Birthday Girl

June 10, 2019

First of all! Thank you for all the letters/packages/emails/messages... you all are the best!!!! Yesterday was amazing! I ate chocolate cake for breakfast and with lunch and dinner! I had a birthday dinner with the quinns and the demills and I learned how to play parcheezy (idk how to spell it) but it was just a super nice day!

Literally the most DISTURBING thing ever happened last night! So I was walking out of the bathroom last night, and it was like 10 minutes before bedtime... and there was a freaking worm in our apartment.... which! Is really weird and gross... but like we were like "let's just get a paper and scoop it up and put it outside" ya know.... BUT! When we touched it with the paper, it started CHARGING at us! And SLITHERING! And it was SO FAST!!! And long! And terrifying! And disgusting!
But! We caught it under a cereal bowl! And put a 3 pound weight on it just in case. And we called elder demill and he came and killed it.... and we found out this morning that it was a baby worm snake via good ol google..
I promise it was freakier than its sounds.
It was awful.
Sister curtis was so freaked out, she slept with the light on.

So that was the exciting story of the week!

But! Even more exciting is that we set another baptismal date! And this is the first person that I've set a date with that I have taught since her very first lesson so I am soooooooo excited for her!

Also! Update- brother quinn is soooooooo excited for his baptism!!! 

Also we had a zone breakout and zone sports today and it was so fun! I just love these missionaries so much! And I love being a missionary so much! I am so so so happy here! I hope and pray that I can be the right person to help these people here. 

Thanks again for the birthday surprises! Love you all so much!

💕, sister chadwick 

ps- BIG shout out to my cute 20 year old twinsie! I love her!!!


1-birthday party with the quinns
2/3- fun day in deming with hermana hafen (it was so hotttt)!
4- the new mexico zone!
5- the girlss 
