The Arizona Miracle

May 20, 2019

Soooo today has been insane. Due to some weird circumstances, we had to be anywhere in Arizona today... and the closest place to us in Arizona is a super weird little town called Duncan Arizona... so last night we texted the Elders here and they said that they would leave the church unlocked for us becuase they're spending the day in Safford, but then we got here and the whole church was locked. So they call us and say that they forgot about unlocking it, but that someone could be there by 11:30, which was and hour and a half away. 
So we decided that we would just go eat lunch. And there is literally ONE restaurant that was open (which was actually right bu the church luckily)... so we went there, and there is literally ONE family inside and they are kind of looking at us while they were taking their orders, and I got all worried that they hated our church or something, but then they say "we dont usually have sisters around here!" And we go talk to them and they said to come sit with them and that they'd buy us lunch! So that was cool! 
So they were super nice and when we were finishing up, I mentioned the situation about having to wait for the church to get unlocked, and she says "oh, I have a key to the church!" and she called the lady who was supposed to come and unlock it so that she could let her know that she wouldn't have to drive down... and it turns out that she didnt even know that she was supposed to unlock it for us...... so basically we would have been stranded. 
Tender mercies y'all.. Tender mercies. 

So that was cool! We also had a half  mission confrence with Elder McKay of the seventy and it was incredible! He just spoke in this most recent general conference about immediate blessings. I had the best day ever! The talks were amazing! We learned so many great, motivating things! I got to meet so many missionaries! And I was basically a celebrity becuase I totally roasted an Elder the night before and it was legendary. (Long story)

I love this mission so much! I wish i could tell you more about the miracles i experienced this week, but then my email would be too long and no one would read it.... 

But! Being on a mission is the best thing I have ever decided to do! Sister McKay said that "A mission doesn't change who you are, it takes away who you're not!" And I know that is 100 percent true! I have only been gone for almost 4 months, but I feel like if for some crazy reason I were to go home now, that I would be a better person becuase of my mission.

Stay frosty, 
sister chadwick ðŸ’•

1- just for fun, heres a picture of our mission map, the red outline is what sister curtis and I cover :)
2- getting some tacos after our half mission conf!
3- elder latu (new to our district) helping smoosh some recycling at a service thing
4- some cute friends getting the air out of an air mattress and having too much fun doing it :)
