PG girls take Catalina

September, 23 2019

Hey hey hey!
It has been a GREAT week! I am training sister daly from pleasant grove, utah!! (everyone always asks if we knew each other haha, but we unfortunately didnt haha)...

We have had a BLAST this week! We get along sooooo well, we teach so well together, and she is so cool and so willing to work! We have seen so many miracles this week! The greenie fire is real & I love it!!!

It was also kind of funny because her first meal here was soooo weird! We ate with a crazy lady in a super messy house who made us steamed gluten free chicken nuggets, half a pot of broccoli, and a raspberry smoothie... and she watched us eat as she told us conspiracy theories about president nelson joining the government to get rid of all the bad people.... it was just the most awkward meal ever but at least we didnt scare her off!

But yeah! I'm seriously SO PUMPED for these next couple transfers! I am soooo excited to be with sister Daly and we got big plans to do big things! Catalina didnt even see us comin!!:)

love & miss you!!!
💕sister chadwick 

p.s. the first episode of the book of mormon videos came out!!! y'all should watch it!!

-sis daly!!!!!!!!!!!
-I held a snake and I was terrified lol
-birthday call with my cute mama yesterday!!!!! 
