The Earth is Flat

August 19, 2019

Sooooo! It's been another exciting week in the dirty T! 
We taught a guy named Walter this week, and we got about 10 minutes of gospel in there and an hour and a half of information about how the earth is flat! Apparently, theres 240 (super vague) scriptures about how the earth is flat, and a whole other page about why the earth is flat and gravity isn't actually real..... so we have been pretty entertained by this all week. He even printed us each our own copies!

We also had a couple referrals this week which has been a total answer to our prayers! One of them was funny because he told us he probably wouldn't be able to join our church since we dont beleive in vaccines and he works at a hospital so hes required to get them... luckily we were able to clear that one up! And hes way excited to learn from us!

Today we did some super fancy shirt painting at a members house, and she has all these cool stencil things for it! It was a lot of fun!

Also I saw javelinas for the first time! They're these wild mean pigs that are in Arizona! I saw a whole family of them! The little babies were so cute :)

I am doing super great and I'm so happy to be here! The transition has been rocky but it's really starting to all work out!! Even in the 110 degree whether!! I am surviving! 

But yeah! I'm running low on time, but I love you all soooo much! 

💕sister chadwick 

-the back of the shirt I made today! 
-we went on a blitz this week! two of the elders had to leave early, but we photoshopped them in the pic!! haha
-proof that the earth is flat! 😂
-catalina state park! with cute friends and cute saguaros! 🌵
